he has great abilities, but he doesn't use them 意味

  • 彼には豊かな才能があるが用いられていない



  1. "he has got two caps for cricket"の英語
  2. "he has gotten vast sums of money from shady investments"の英語
  3. "he has gradually grown weak under his disease"の英語
  4. "he has graduated from the bookshop to the library"の英語
  5. "he has graying blond hair with a just perceptible wave"の英語
  6. "he has great contempt for dilettantism in the arts"の英語
  7. "he has great daring"の英語
  8. "he has great expectations from his rich uncle"の英語
  9. "he has great foresight"の英語
  10. "he has graduated from the bookshop to the library"の英語
  11. "he has graying blond hair with a just perceptible wave"の英語
  12. "he has great contempt for dilettantism in the arts"の英語
  13. "he has great daring"の英語

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